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Oil of the Three Marys - Biblical Oil

Oil of the Three Marys - Biblical Oil

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Please note handling time for this oil is 10 business days.

This listing is for a half-ounce bottle of Oil of the Three Marys, containing appropriate essential oils and herbs, including spikenard.

The Oil of the Three Marys is the same formula as the Ointment of the Three Marys, only in a liquid form.  This biblical formula is an ancient and revered blessing and healing formula, containing rare (and costly) herbs and essences.  It was historically used to anoint those who are sick, wounded, or possessed by evil spirits, and to call blessings and healing on the faithful.

In medieval tradition, this is the ointment that Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Mary of Bethany (the sister of Martha and Lazarus) brought to anoint the body of Jesus (which they were shocked to find missing from its tomb).  Some sources say the Three Marys with the ointment were Mary Magdalene, Mary Salome, and Mary the mother of James.

Obviously there have been variations over the centuries in terms of the legend, but the rich tradition of this ointment as used in healing and blessing is ancient. For more information on this tradition, see Bede's 8th century Martyrology (or my blog when I get around to translating it and writing it up), or Chretien de Troyes' 12th century "Knight of the Cart."

Unlike with conjure oils, few of the ingredients in my esoteric and biblical series are native to the region I grew up in, or indeed to this continent, and they must be imported. In some cases, the prices have skyrocketed over the last 10 years as essential oils have exploded in popularity, species have become threatened by overharvesting, and climate change has affected production.
So please understand that I cannot keep large quantities of some of these essential oils and absolutes on hand because they are incredibly expensive. That's why the handling time for this series starts at 10 business days. On the off chance that I get a few orders in back to back that exhaust my supplies of galbanum or sandalwood or whatever, I might be waiting on a new shipment from my supplier when your order comes in, for example. 10 business days should cover anything like that, but if it looks like there's a significant delay beyond the published 10 business day handling time, I'll email you.

Sold as a curio only. Not a substitute for medical attention or advice. No medical treatment or efficacy is expressed or implied. This is absolutely not medicine. In fact, it's not even formulated as a cosmetic for skin use; it's a spiritual oil for use in prayer and the anointing of objects. Do not use on children or open wounds. Do not ingest. Do not try to resurrect the dead. God helps those who help themselves and God invented doctors for a reason. Seek professional medical treatment for medical problems. Do not be an idiot.

Half-ounce bottle.

USAGE: Oils are for prayer and ritual use; they are not cosmetics or perfumes. While some customers do use some dressing oils as anointing oils (which is not the same thing as wearing a perfume or cologne), they are careful to do a skin test first, since they know that all-natural does not equal hypoallergenic. If you need suggestions on how to use condition and anointing oils in the conjure tradition, see the Education link up top.

LEGALESE: As required by law, all items are sold as curios to preserve and teach the traditions of folklore and popular religion. I don't sell anything I don't use myself, though, and quite a few customers over the years have sworn by my traditional formulas since I started selling them in 2002.

Shipping/Handling/FAQs: Please click over to the Shipping/Handling/FAQs tab to read about handling times, shipping notification, and other terms of service, as your use of this site indicates your acceptance of these published terms, which include but are not limited to the following.

By using this site, you are stating that you understand and agree to our Terms of Service, including the following highlights:
  • handling times start at five business days minimum for all items  (excludes weekends and holidays)
  • posted handling times are estimates, not guarantees, and will vary depending on order size and amount of customization involved
  • all sales are final; we do not accept returns
  • any refunds must be initiated by us; chargebacks are considered theft
  • we will send a notification email when we purchase your shipping label for your packaged order, so when it's ready to ship, you know as soon as we know
  • we are not able to provide updates during order processing beyond this notification
  • any unusual issues affecting handling times will be announced on our website and social media channels
  • we don't send instructions for anything that doesn't say it comes with instructions, but there's lots of info at the blog
See the TOS page for more details.

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