CTRL/ALT/SMITE Spiritual Soap & Floor Wash
CTRL/ALT/SMITE is an herb- and essential oil-infused liquid castile soap, containing ingredients traditionally believed to form a barrier of spiritual protection around you and return all negativity to its sender, with just a little bit of interest. This is a modern twist on a traditional Reversing hoodoo formula, with a fabulous scent in an easy-to-use soap base. Send evil, hexes, jealousy, the evil eye, and general BS back to where it came from, with a kick in the behind to go along with it.
This is pure, undiluted castile soap containing essential oils and botanicals; a little goes a long way. I could dilute it for you, but then you'd be paying for water, so I haven't. It's highly concentrated - add just a few capfuls to your tub for a spiritual bath or to your bucket of hot water for thorough house cleaning and cleansing. Or add a "glunk" to a spray bottle of water if you're cleaning windowsills and baseboards.