Blessed Salt
1 ounce of blessed salt (by weight). Used for cleansing, protection, purification, warding off evil.
This blessed salt is made in accordance with the traditional pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic rite, which includes exorcism, blessing, and a bit of good old ecclesiastical Latin, by an autocephalous bishop consecrated in several lines of apostolic succession associated with the independent sacramental movement.*
Please note my goal here is not to commodify or corporatize sacramentals or any sacerdotal accoutrements. I'm not claiming this is extra special or any better than that you can get from your local parish.** Trust me - I am not getting rich selling blessed salt here, and I think it would be kinda skeevy to try. But in offering it online, I have to cover the costs of packaging, printing, listing, shipping, overhead, and payment processing fees. However, if you come by here with your own container, or want to mail me your own container and cover return shipping, I'll give you some blessed salt for absolutely nothing. The blessings themselves are not bought and sold.
*That would be me. Read about episcopi vagantes, or so-called wandering bishops, at Wikipedia.
**And if you ascribe to the traditional views of the contemporary Roman Catholic Church, mine is worse because they don't recognize autocephaly -- or women clerics, for that matter.
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